Water and Power (1989) by Pat O’Neill

Thursday, September 21, 1989, 7:00 pm

Water And Power By Pat O’Neill

Filmmaker Pat O’Neill in person


3117 Sixteenth Street (at Valencia)

San Francisco, CA 94103

7pm & 9pm 

Pat O’Neill’s films of the 1970s (Saugus Series, etc.) used sophisticated special effects to create personal landscapes of miraculous vistas and bizarre, surreal jux­tapositions. O’Neill has spent ten years making his magnum opus, the 35mm Water and Power (1989, 60′). Water… is about many things: a critique of industrial society, a history of cinema, and a study in light and perception. While never following a conventional storyline, it is a complex and sensually rapturous work. Preceded by shorts selected by O’Neill.  Co-sponsored with the Roxie.