Saturday, November 15, 2014, 12:00 am

Fourth Annual Art Auction
& Benefit

celebrating San Francisco Cinematheque


55 Taylor Street

San Francisco CA 94102

Auction artworks are now available for online bidding via Paddle8! Online bidding will continue until noon (PST) on November 15. All online bids will then be transferred to the silent auction event at 7pm. Interested in proxy bidding? Get in touch with us at auction@sfcinematheque.org.

[$20 general admission/$15 for members] Advance tickets available here.

Join our Facebook event.

Please JOIN US at the Center for New Music for a special reception and silent art auction from 7pm to 10pm—including fabulous food, libations and music from DJ Keith Slogan with many artists and filmmakers in person—in celebration and support of San Francisco Cinematheque, our artists and our upcoming 54th year of exhibiting cutting-edge avant-garde film and video art!

Over 50 international, national and regional artists have contributed artworks to this year’s stellar exhibition of drawings, paintings, photography, collage and multi-media installations. We are proud to feature (click on links to view) work by Miya Ando, Kim Anno, Craig Baldwin, Bonnie Banks, Tommy Becker, Gina Borg, Nate Boyce, Tim Buckwalter, Brian Caraway, Deric Carner, Alexander Cheves, Joshua Churchill, Paul Clipson, Bill Daniel, John Davis, Veronica De Jesus, Nathaniel Dorsky, Keith Evans, Lauren Douglas, Jeanne C. Finley + John Muse, Maria Forde, Sandra Gibson & Luis Recoder, Brynda Glazier, Mayumi Hamanaka, Jeff Hantman, Lynn Hershman, Carrie Hott, Lawrence Jordan, Miranda July, Kevin Killian, Kadet Kuhne, Kerry Laitala, Sarah Jane Lapp, Janis Crystal Lipzin, Walter Logue, Terri Loewenthal, Jodie Mack, Anne McGuire, Kim Miskowicz, Grace Rosario Perkins, Carissa Potter, Kathleen Quillian, Dick Ramsey, Amy Rathbone, Gwenaël Rattke, Michael Robinson, Jeremy Rourke, Alexander Stewart, Chris Thorson, Mark Wilson, Vanessa Woods, and Karen Yasinsky.

San Francisco Cinematheque would like to thank Romer Young Gallery and Gallery Paule Anglim for their generous assistance.

We would also like to thank our sponsors:

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