Admission: $10 general/ $6 Cinematheque members
Advanced tickets available here
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Local artist Tommy Becker is a poet/musician trapped in a camcorder. His never-ending saga, Tape Number One, blends poetics, performance, costuming, found footage, and hand-made props, creating pop songs that wrap subtle menace with humor. Program opens with earlier tracks, including Song for the Pain-Body and Song for the Lemons, and presents Passing Periods: Reflections through a Classroom Window, a six-part subsection of Tape Number One exploring and celebrating the dynamics and complexities of the high school landscape, the cultural construct of the classroom, and more. Passing Period includes Song for Awe & Dread, Song for Disobedient Youth, Love Song, and more. (digital, 70 min + Q&A, 2013–2015)