Sunday, April 14, 2002

Some Odd Items

Personal Selections by Charles Wright

San Francisco Art Institute

This is an assortment of lesser-known pieces, eclectic beyond the scope of any unified theory. If you nod off during one of them, the next one may wake you up. In other words, it resembles many of the evenings at the Canyon Cinematheque in the early seventies. Then, as now, audiences were reminded that film (like life) is a wide-open field. Herb De Grass’s Film Watchers, Standish Lawder’s Eleven Different Horses, Ainslie Pryor’s Angel Camomile, Helene Kaplan’s Rose and Seymour at Home in Queens, Victor Faccinto’s Where Did It Come All From? Where Is It All Going?, David Gerstein’s As the Sun Goes Down, A Hole Appears in the Sky, Barry Spinello’s Six Loop-Paintings, Charles and Ray Eames’ Powers of Ten, David Rimmer’s Canadian Pacific, Will Hindle’s Pasteur3 (Charles Wright)