Two evenings of work produced by teenage filmmakers who have taken movie-making into their own hands to show the teen side of life, in their own voices, on their own terms. (Valerie Soe)
Friday, Dec. 11: Reel Girls/Real Girls is an evening of audacious short films and videos by outspoken, happening teenage girls from across the USA. Beyond technophobia, these girls take us into the alternative landscapes of American adolescence. Photo booth buddies, jammin’ girlbands, wild pixilations, and rearview mirrors on unexpected heroines. Go, girls. (Kathleen Sweeney); curated by Sweeney.
Saturday, Dec. 12: Teen Riot 4:The Legend Continues
The fourth annual screening of teen-produced films and videos from the California State Summer School for the Arts. In four weeks students produce some of the wildest, wooliest and most invigorating movies this side of 18 years old. See blue M & Ms, pho-fu, pizza noir, and space babes from Planet 69 in this eye-popping, mile-a-minute show from the smart girls and b-boys of CSSSA 198. (Valerie Soe); curated by Soe and Danny Plotnick.