What happens when the newest “avant-garde” cultural producers have been raised on MTV music videos, infomercials, slasher films, CD Roms, video games, and other latch-key entertainment forms? They re-consume them, and spit them back out at you. This program features work that uses popular entertainment formats-like the music video, CD Rom, the situation comedy-to illustrate life on Earth as a stimulus-craving ritalin-popping media-damaged member of society. Work includes Corazon Sangrante by Ximena Cuevas, Watch Out for Invisible Ghosts by Kristin Lucas, Dottie Gets Spanked by Todd Haynes, Punk Rock Date by Greta Snider, 27 by Greg Sax, Alienator by Texas Tomboy, ElectroPerroFunkyMix by Rafael Tontatiuh, and MORE! (DS & CL) Dan Schott is Director and Charles Lofton is a video artist; both curated programs for recent Mix Festivals in New York and San Francisco.
Thursday, March 6, 1997
That's Entertainment!
Yerba Buena Center for the Arts