Thursday, May 22, 1997

The Cinema of Owen Land

California College of the Arts

Owen Land (a.k.a. George Landow) returns to the Bay Area for the first time since 1985, and will show a selection of his films made between 1965 and 1980. “The most impressive avant-garde filmmaker of the 1970s was George Landow. Since 1969, when he released Institutional Quality and thereby found a place for his astonishing verbal wit in his cinema, he has produced a coherent body of aggressively original films and has asserted, through those films, a unique position in opposition to the very genre in which he works.” (P. Adams Sitney)

Films to be screened include The Film That Rises to the Surface of Clarified Butter (1968), New Improved Institutional Quality: In The Environment of Liquids And Nasals A Parasitic Vowel Sometimes Develops (1976), Wide Angle Saxon (1975), On The Marriage Broker Joke…(1980) and several others.