Jeffrey Skoller will present the world premiere of The Malady of Death (1994), an adaptation of a Marguerite Duras story. “Occasionally, one is so powerfully touched by a work of art that merely to experience it is not enough; one finds that they must actively engage with the work. Marguerite Duras’ story The Malady of Death was like that for me. It’s a parable—an indictment, really—about the male sexuality this culture has constructed. This adaptation doesn’t simply dramatize a story. Rather, the film is fugue-like in its interplay between Duras’ text and my own cinematic exploration of the male body as the site of sex. For me these images and sounds are a way of speaking with this text, the issues raised, this moment in history.” (J.S.) Skoller will also show Topography/Surface Writing (1983), based on Kafka’s The Penal Colony. After the show, the public is invited to an informal BYOD* gathering with the filmmaker at LaRocca’s Corner Tavern, 957 Columbus Avenue. *Buy Your Own Drinks.
Sunday, February 27, 1994
The Malady of Death
San Francisco Art Institute