Thursday, February 24, 1994

“Unplug Your Orgasm From the Machine”

Films and Talk by Manuel De Landa

Yerba Buena Center for the Arts

Mexican-born author, 3-D computer graphics pioneer, radical theoretician, and incendiary filmmaker Manuel DeLanda will present a special program of his rarely seen films followed by a talk on one of his most recent theories. During the early ’80s DeLanda produced a number of extraordinary films conflating subjects like Lacanian theory and film noir (Raw Nerves) into wild, freewheeling rides through the throbbing fissures of a frighteningly unique mind. Recently, his work as an author —a book, War in the Age of Intelligent Machines (Zone), and an article “Non-Organic Life” in the anthology Incorporations (Zone)—has made the charismatic DeLanda’s remarkable ideas on artificial intelligence de rigeur among cyberpunks and technocultists. For tonight’s talk he will discuss new possibilities for self-organization in our increasingly technological culture. De Landa’s infectious zeal for almost everything promises to make this one of the most entertaining and unpredictable events on our calendar. Don’t miss it! Films include Raw Nerves (1980), Ismism (1979), Harmful or Fatal if Swallowed (1982), and Judgement Day (1983). DeLanda will present a different talk, “Artificial Intelligence,” on Wednesday, February 23rd at California College of Arts and Crafts (Oakland).