Thursday, April 7, 2005

We Cannot Exhibit It

The Videos of Pierre-Yves Clouin

Yerba Buena Center for the Arts

Presented in Association with Frameline

From bursts of perspective trickery to homoerotic celebrations of the male body and philosophical musings on public versus private, the award-winning videos of Pierre-Yves Clouin never cease to delight. His witty examinations of the quotidian elements of life bring transcendental revelations combined with laughter. “Alone in front of the camera, and without a word, I spy on myself in the monitor during the action. I am double: seer and seen. As if freedom from surveillance meant inventing, within surveillance itself, an illusion that subverts the watching eye.” (P-YC)) We’ll screen My Levitating Butt and I’ve Got Mouths All Over, as well as the more recent Thé au Riz (RiceTea/ Theory), Flying Sculpture, Strong Enough, and US premieres of new work. (Maïa Cybelle Carpenter)